Monday to Thursday from 9 to 17:30h Friday from 9h to 15h. C/Roger de Llúria 44,1-3, 08009 Barcelona +34932954665

Import certificate

Import certificate

An import certificate is an official document certifying that a country has authorised the importation of certain goods or products into its territory.

What is it for?

. To ensure compliance with regulations that verify that imported products comply with the country's legal and technical standards such as labelling, composition, environmental restrictions .....

. Customs control. Allows customs to control and record what goods enter their territory. Prevents smuggling

Protects public health and the environment by ensuring that imported goods do not represent a danger to society.


To obtain an import certificate you should find out about the import requirements in your country for the specific products you wish to import.

You should check whether the product is regulated or restricted, as some goods (such as food, chemicals or electronic equipment) require specific permits.

The company must be registered as an importer In most countries, you need to be registered as an importer with the customs or tax authority. This may include obtaining a tax identification number (TIN).


Once import clearance is obtained, the import certificate is issued.



Juanjo Marti

Responsible for the financial department of WOCI since 2000. Development and financial strategy for the smooth running of the company's economic flow. General accounting, tax settlement, preparation of budgets and presentation of balance sheets. Since 2017, and with aspirations to broaden my knowledge, I have been responsible for the import department.